Privacy Agreement

1、 Information collection

We are well aware that user privacy is crucial for personal information security, so the app will not actively collect, store, use, or share user personal information during operation. Our app focuses on providing file management functions and does not involve any information collection and processing related to the user's personal identity.

2、 Function implementation

All functions of the app are based on file operation and management, and do not involve the acquisition of user personal information. We only obtain file access and operation permissions through necessary system permissions to achieve basic functions such as file browsing, searching, renaming, moving, copying, and deleting. The acquisition and use of these permissions comply with relevant laws and regulations, and are only used for providing file management services.

3、 Security measures

We do not collect personal information from users, such as name, age, nationality, phone number, email address, home address, etc. The data to be collected only includes non privacy related information such as device type, system version, device language, device ID, and location. At the same time, we will regularly conduct security checks and updates on the app to ensure the safety and stability of user devices.

4、 User rights

Users have the right to uninstall the app at any time, and after uninstallation, we will not retain any information related to their devices or files. At the same time, we also encourage users to remain vigilant and pay attention to protecting their privacy and security while using the app.

5、 Compliance and Responsibility

We will comply with relevant laws and regulations and strictly protect the privacy rights of users.

Please carefully read and understand this privacy agreement when using the app. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time. We will continue to improve our products and services to provide users with a better experience.

Note: This privacy agreement only applies to this app and does not involve any other third-party applications or services. When using other applications or services, users must pay attention to reading and understanding their corresponding privacy agreements.